When this country started it had a weak federal government with few regulations and people were allowed to and almost forced to be self employed and self sufficient. The States or Colonies were the primary regulators of individual law. The USA grew from a band of Rebels to the most powerful and wealthy nation in the world without or very little aid from a LARGE federal government.
Now we have a LARGE federal government mandating, regulating and controlling the majority of things that are a mess in our country. Education, how are all the federal regulations helping that? If someone can explain how one way will work best for 50 states and 300,000,000 people feel free to try and explain that to me.
The Federal Government did very little (outside of a fine military) to build this country into the best, wealthiest, most powerful and most envied nation on earth, people in the past came here for a chance, yep just a chance at an opportunity to have the freedom to be independent. Now they are attracted here to become dependent on all of the government handouts.
I personally think there is plenty of evidence based on history what needs to happen to correct things or more accurately stated, what needs to be stopped.
Our founding fathers said that government needs to be most powerful at the lowest level.
Why do we now think they were so wrong?
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