Thursday, November 20, 2008

My first blog

I am curious as to how long people will want the government to increase the amount of money they collect from the productive to give to the less productive. I remember as a small child when sales tax was .05 cents, 1/2 a penny on the dollar. Will this trend continue? If it continues to increase at the rate it has in my lifetime, when my grandchildren are my age sales tax will be 98%. I can't imagine that, but I also don't think our founding fathers could imagine the President, Congress and the Senate handing over $700,000,000,000 to one man to do what he thinks is right. CRAZY. I'm afraid there is no end in site. We've gone from personal welfare (which I'm sure was started with the best of intentions) and now we've got a welfare system that is a significantly bigger than it was 20 years ago. State sponsored welfare will draw people in, not help people out in my opinion. Unintended Consequences, or an effort to build your voting base, who knows. But this welfare plan for failing companies with morally bankrupt executives, is this a scary and shameful practice our elected officials are in or is it just me.

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